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common Class

ctDynamicsSL.common Service for commonly used features not specific to any section of SL Direct access by developers is supported.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ctDynamicsSL
Assembly:  ctDynamicsSL (in ctDynamicsSL.dll) Version: 2021.9.16.1 (2021.09.16.01)
[WebServiceAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public class common : baseServiceSL

The common type exposes the following members.

Public methodcommon
Initializes a new instance of the common class
Public propertyApplication
Gets the application object for the current HTTP request.
(Inherited from WebService.)
Public propertyContainer
Gets the container for the component.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public propertyContext
Gets the ASP.NET HttpContext for the current request, which encapsulates all HTTP-specific context used by the HTTP server to process Web requests.
(Inherited from WebService.)
Public propertydbConn
The database connection for non transaction calls in the web service
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydbConnWT
The database connection for the web service with transactions Automatically created if the license is valid.
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydebugLevel (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydebugMode
Returns the boolean value of the web.config key "debugMode" If global debugmode is not set, checks if debugmode for the service is enabled. Defaults to false
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertyDesignMode
Gets a value indicating whether the component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public propertydisableTransactions (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydisableValidation (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydtDefaultFunctions
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydtPostEditProcessing (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertydtValidateFunctions
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertyerrorLogFile
Returns the errorlogfile for the executing service If not defined by service, then global log file is returned from AppSettings["ERRORLOGFILE"] Only used if debugMode = true
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertylicenseValid
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertymyBaseDSLLib (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertymyCommonLib
Public propertymySite
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertymyTransaction (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public propertyServer
Gets the HttpServerUtility for the current request.
(Inherited from WebService.)
Public propertySession
Gets the HttpSessionState instance for the current request.
(Inherited from WebService.)
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the site of the component.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public propertySoapVersion
Gets the version of the SOAP protocol used to make the SOAP request to the XML Web service.
(Inherited from WebService.)
Public propertyUser
Gets the ASP.NET server User object. Can be used to authenticate whether a user is authorized to execute the request.
(Inherited from WebService.)
Public methodabout (Overrides baseServiceSLabout.)
Public methodattachFile
Attaches a file to a note
Public methodbaseGetCuryRates
Public methodbaseGetEarnTypesByID
Public methodbaseGetLOVByType
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodbaseGetNextCounter
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodcustomSQLCall
Runs a custom stored procedure with given parameters
Public methodcustomSQLCallAlternateConnection
Public methodcustomSQLCallAlternateConnectionAsXmlDocument
Public methodcustomSQLCallAsObject
Runs a custom stored procedure with given parameters and returns an object array of the passed in Object TypeName.
Public methodcustomSQLCallAsXmlDocument
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodeditAccount
Public methodeditAccountAsDataSet
Public methodeditAcctXref
Public methodeditAcctXrefAsDataSet
Public methodeditBatch
Public methodeditBatchAsDataSet
Public methodeditCountry
Public methodeditCountryAsDataSet
Public methodeditDSLXML
Public methodeditDSLXMLAsDataSet
Public methodeditLCCode
Public methodeditLCCodeAsDataSet
Public methodeditSalesperson
Public methodeditSalespersonAsDataSet
Public methodeditSegDef
Public methodeditSegDefAsDataSet
Public methodeditSlsTaxCat
Public methodeditSlsTaxCatAsDataSet
Public methodeditSnote
Public methodeditSnoteAsDataSet
Public methodeditState
Public methodeditStateAsDataSet
Public methodeditSubAcct
Public methodeditSubAcctAsDataSet
Public methodeditSubXref
Public methodeditSubXrefAsDataSet
Public methodeditTerms
Public methodeditTermsAsDataSet
Public methodeditVendor
Public methodeditVendorAsDataSet
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetAccounts
Public methodgetAccountsAsDataSet
Public methodgetAcctXrefs
Public methodgetAcctXrefsAsDataSet
Public methodgetBatches
Public methodgetBatchesAsDataSet
Public methodgetClientIP (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodgetCompanies
Public methodgetCompaniesAsDataSet
Public methodgetCompanyValue
Public methodgetCountries
Public methodgetCountriesAsDataSet
Public methodgetCuryConversions
Converts number values using the curyRate table, calls: xct_spDSLgetCuryConversions
Public methodgetCuryConversionsAsDataSet
Converts number values using the curyRate table, calls: xct_spDSLgetCuryConversions
Public methodgetCuryRate
Returns the first current curyRate entry for the EffDate
Public methodgetCuryRates
Returns the curyRate entries for conversion between the passed dates
Public methodgetDatabaseReplicationDetails
Public methodgetDBConnection (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodgetDSLXMLs
Public methodgetDSLXMLsAsDataSet
Public methodgetEarnTypesByExactID
Searches for a single EarnType entry by ID
Public methodgetEarnTypesByID
Searches for EarnType entries by ID
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetLCCodes
Public methodgetLCCodesAsDataSet
Public methodgetLOVByTypeAsDataSet
Public methodgetNewAccount
Public methodgetNewAcctXref
Public methodgetNewBatch
Public methodgetNewcompany
Public methodgetNewCountry
Public methodgetNewDSLXML
Public methodgetNewGenericReturn
Public methodgetNewLCCode
Public methodgetNewSalesperson
Public methodgetNewSegDef
Public methodgetNewSlsTaxCat
Public methodgetNewSnote
Public methodgetNewState
Public methodgetNewSubAcct
Public methodgetNewSubXref
Public methodgetNewTerms
Public methodgetNewVendor
Public methodgetNextCounter
Returns the next incrementer from xct_tblDSLCounter
Public methodgetNextCounterAsString
Returns the next incrementer from xct_tblDSLCounter
Public methodgetSalespersons
Public methodgetSalespersonsAsDataSet
Public methodgetSalesTaxes
Public methodgetSalesTaxesAsDataSet
Public methodgetSegDefs
Public methodgetSegDefsAsDataSet
Public methodGetService
Gets the implementer of the IServiceProvider.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodgetSlsTaxCats
Public methodgetSlsTaxCatsAsDataSet
Public methodgetSnotes
Public methodgetSnotesAsDataSet
Public methodgetStates
Public methodgetStatesAsDataSet
Public methodgetSubAccts
Public methodgetSubAcctsAsDataSet
Public methodgetSubXrefs
Public methodgetSubXrefsAsDataSet
Public methodgetTerms
Public methodgetTermsAsDataSet
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetVendors
Public methodgetVendorsAsDataSet
Public methodgetVendorsAsDataSetXML
Public methodisTransaction (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodlinkFile
Links an existing file to a note
Public methodlinkSnoteAsDataSet
Public methodlogErrorMessage
if debugMode is true, then it will log to the file specified in web.config key "errorLogFile" if the file is not specified in web.config, then no logging will occur writes the passed errormessage to the log file
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodlogErrorObject
if debugMode is true, then it will log to the file specified in web.config key "errorLogFile" if the file is not specified in web.config, then no logging will occur loops through the passed in System.Exception object and writes the messages
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodoES
Internal use only, not external support
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodping
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodsearchBatchesAsDataSetPaged
Public methodsearchBatchesPaged
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodvalidNewBatNbr
Public eventDisposed
Adds an event handler to listen to the Disposed event on the component.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public fieldmySLHeader (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
See Also