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customerMaintenance Methods

The customerMaintenance type exposes the following members.

Public methodabout (Overrides baseServiceSLabout.)
Public methodbaseGetCustomerEDIsByID
Public methodbaseGetCustomersByID
Public methodbaseGetLOVByType
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodbaseGetNextCounter
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodbaseGetSOAddressesByID
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodeditCustEDD
Public methodeditCustEDDAsDataSet
Public methodeditCustomer
Public methodeditCustomerAsDataSet
Public methodeditCustomerEDI
Public methodeditCustomerEDIAsDataSet
Public methodeditNote
Edits a note for customer. actionTypes:ADD,UPDATE,VALIDATEONLY
Public methodeditNoteAsDataSet
Edits a note for customer. actionTypes:ADD,UPDATE,VALIDATEONLY
Public methodeditScreen
Edits all the records for the customer maintenance screen.
Public methodeditSOAddress
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetAcctXrefsByAcct
Searches for AcctXRefs based on Acct
Public methodgetARStmtsByID
Searches for ARStmts by stmtCycleID
Public methodgetCertificatesByID
Returns certificates based on ID
Public methodgetClientIP (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodgetCountriesByID
Searches for countries based on countryID
Public methodgetCreditMgrsByID
Searches for CreditMgr by id
Public methodgetCurrencyByID
Searches for currencies by curyID
Public methodgetCustClassesByID
Searches for CustClass by id
Public methodgetCustContactsByID
Searches for CustContacts (Buyers) by custID and contactID
Public methodgetCustEDDs
Public methodgetCustEDDsAsDataSet
Public methodgetCustEDDsByID
Public methodgetCustomerBalances
Searches for AR_Balances based on CustID and CpnyID
Public methodgetCustomerByExactID
Public methodgetCustomerEDIByExactID
Public methodgetCustomerEDIs
Public methodgetCustomerEDIsAsDataSet
Public methodgetCustomerEDIsByID
Public methodgetCustomers
Public methodgetCustomersAsDataSet
Public methodgetCustomersByID
Public methodgetCustomerValue
Public methodgetDBConnection (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetNewCustEDD
Public methodgetNewCustomer
Public methodgetNewCustomerEDI
Public methodgetNewscreen
Gets a new default screen based on the passed template
Public methodgetNewSOAddress
Public methodgetPriceClassesByID
Searches for price classes by id
Public methodgetSalespersonsByID
Searches for salespersons based on slsPerID
Public methodgetScreenByCustID
Retrieves a Screen object using the passed custID
Public methodGetService
Gets the implementer of the IServiceProvider.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodgetSitesByID
Returns Sites based on siteID
Public methodgetSOAddressByExactID
Public methodgetSOAddressesByID
Searches for ShipToIds by custID and ShipToId
Public methodgetStatesByID
Searches for states based on stateProvID
Public methodgetSubXrefsBySub
Searches for SubXRefs based on Sub
Public methodgetTaxIDsByID
Searches for taxIDs by id
Public methodgetTermsByID
Searches for Terms by id
Public methodgetTerritoriesByID
Searches for territory by id
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodisTransaction (Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodlogErrorMessage
if debugMode is true, then it will log to the file specified in web.config key "errorLogFile" if the file is not specified in web.config, then no logging will occur writes the passed errormessage to the log file
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodlogErrorObject
if debugMode is true, then it will log to the file specified in web.config key "errorLogFile" if the file is not specified in web.config, then no logging will occur loops through the passed in System.Exception object and writes the messages
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodoES
Internal use only, not external support
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodping
(Inherited from baseServiceSL.)
Public methodsearchCustomerAddresses
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
See Also