ReportCentral Email Template Administration screen guide.

To create and edit ReportCentral Email Templates via the admin screens:
1.  Login to the ReportCentral Admin interface.
ReportCentral Admin home
2.  Pull up the Email Template Admin interface.
ReportCentral Email Template List

To add new email templates via the admin screen:
1.  Click the "Add New Email Template" link.
ReportCentral Add New Email Template
2.  Fill in all Email Template fields.
Then click the "Save EmailTemplate" button.
ReportCentral Add New Email Template

To edit email templates via the admin screen:
1.  Click the "Edit" link next to the template you want to edit.
ReportCentral Edit Email Template
2.  Fill in all Email Template fields.
Then click the "Update EmailTemplate" button.
ReportCentral Edit Email Template

To delete email templates via the admin screen:
1.  Click the "Delete" link next to the email template you want to delete from the system.
Click "ok" on the confirmation popup window.
ReportCentral Delete Email Template

ReportCentral standard/built-in email templates:
TemplateName Function
RESETPASSWORD This email sent when a customer uses the forgot/reset password functionality. Also used when an admin uses the "Set Random Password" button in the user admin screen.
Default URL: http://localhost/ReportCentral/emailTemplates/resetPassword.aspx
REGISTER This email sent when a customer web enables an existing SL account. Also used when an admin chooses the "send user an account registration confirmation" user admin screen.
Default URL: http://localhost/ReportCentral/emailTemplates/register.aspx
PAYMENTCREATE This email is sent for payment receipt confirmation when "pay on account" is used.
Default URL: http://localhost/ReportCentral/emailTemplates/makePayment.aspx
NEWCUSTOMER This email is sent as confirmation when a user signs up as a new customer and a new SL Customer entry is created.
Note: Not enabled by default in most installations
Default URL: http://localhost/ReportCentral/emailTemplates/newCustomer.aspx