OrderCentral ChangeLog

Change Log for OrderCentral.
Changes and Fixes made to the OrderCentral codebase and included in current OrderCentral core install.
Note: may not be part of default installation functionality


Date Details


Added ability to export reports to Excel.


Added ability to import order to cart from Excel upload.


Added support for external payment systems:


Added support Chinese/Unicode
Required: 3rd party module and SL screen customizations.


Added Recaptcha support


Added support for gift card payments:
Givex gift cards


Add ability to sell digital downloads.
New File: OrderCentral.downloadFile
New Service: ctOC.download


Add google analytics support to base system.
New File: OrderCentral.elements.googleAnalyticsUI


Add page hit tracking to enable custom reports for web traffic tied to database objects.
New File: OrderCentral.elements.logActivityUI
Affected webservice: ctOC.common


Add PDF streaming from an existing file located in a non-public directory.
New File: OrderCentral.streamFileFromPDF
Note: Uses standard OrderCentral securityCheck module for securing access where necessary


Add PDF Print view capablility using Persits ASPPDF
Affected webservice: ctOC.pdf
Note: 3rd party license required

04/06/2010 Port over ability to get/set arbitrary values for any type of page from CatalogCentral.
Examples: Meta tags, page titles
Effected WebService: ctOC.common
New function: ctOC.common.getPageValue
Effected page: OrderCentral.basePageOrderCentral
Effected control: basePageOrderCentral.elements.baseUCOrderCentral
New function: public String getPageValue(String pageType, String pageGUID, String pageValueType)

04/05/2010 Port over ability advanced form submission anti-bot capability from CatalogCentral.
Effected WebService: ctOC.common
New function: ctOC.common.getAuthenticationQueries
Effected page: OrderCentral.basePageOrderCentral
Effected page: OrderCentral.emailTemplates.selfMailer
New function: public virtual System.Boolean checkPostAuthentication()

03/15/2010 Add ability to send custom sql calls and get a dataset or xmldocument returned from an Alternate connection DB connection
Effected WebService: ctOC.common
New function: ctOC.common.customSQLCallAlternateConnection
New function: ctOC.common.customSQLCallAlternateConnectionAsXmlDocument

03/01/2010 Add ability to send custom sql calls and get a dataset or xmldocument returned
Effected WebService: ctOC.common
New function: ctOC.common.customSQLCall
New function: ctOC.common.customSQLCallAsXmlDocument

02/23/2010 Add ability to send BCC email addresses for emailed pdfs.
Effected control: OrderCentral.emailURLPDF
Effected WebService: ctOC.email

02/22/2010 Add ability to set max height and max width for images uploaded, with automatic resizing
Effected control: OrderCentral.elements.fileUpload

02/08/2010 Add IP origin redirect to alternate sites.
New control: OrderCentral.elements.ipLookupUI
New proc: xct_spGetAllIPLookups
New table: xctIPLookup
Affected webservice: ctOC.common

01/26/2010 Add FrtTermsID option select to checkout functionality.
Effected control: OrderCentral.elements.addressUI
Effected proc: xct_spSetBasketFieldValue
New actionType: FRTTERMSSAVE

01/22/2010 Add Product Commenting functionality.
New control: OrderCentral.elements.ccMessage

01/20/2010 Add Product Rating functionality.
New control: OrderCentral.elements.ccRating