Compare Order Central to Weborder

Feature Order Central Web Order
Website Environment ASP.NET Old ASP
Business to Business Yes Yes
Business to Consumer Yes No
Use of XML Web service which allows site to be hosted externally. Yes No
Number of branded sites allowed on a single application database Unlimited 1
Extended Product Catalog Yes No
Number of categories Unlimited 0 - unless custom code is written
Product Number Search Yes Yes
Product Description Search Yes Yes
Full Text Index searching allowing additional fields to easily be added to searching Yes No
Product Images Yes No
Allow multiple catalogs per installation Yes No
Allow Kits? Yes No
Additional fields available easy through open stored procedures. Yes No - not without extensive customization
Catalog Administration Yes No
Save shopping carts for later use Yes No
Allow Credit Card Validation Yes - Using Verisign No
Dynamic Shipping calculation Yes - there are customizable scripts that access UPS and FEDEX in realtime No
Intellegent payment terms capability (determine if customer has terms or credit card only, then force workflow on the appropriate payment method) Yes No
Integrated order history with Solomon Yes Yes
Copy order feature allowing a user to create a new order from an older order. Yes No
Integrated order creation with Solomon Yes Yes
Order Queuing to allow offline order creation Yes No
Full Text Index searching on order history allowing additional fields to eisly be added to searching. Yes No
Email Notification Yes No
User Maintenance Yes No
Automated customer created Yes - If configured, new registered users can have a Solomon customer created No
Text/Content management allowing easily customizable text blocks on pages without requiring editing pages Yes No